

is also known as Staff / wand and Dand in Sanskrit.
are Aryans and Sceptre has been part of Aryan civilization.
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WAS Sceptre and other types of staves were signs of authority in
Ancient Egypt. For this reason they are often described as sceptres,
even if they are full-length staffs. One of the earliest royal sceptres
was discovered in the 2nd Dynasty tomb of Khasekhemwy in Abydos
(Khasekhemwy Reign : 18 years ca. 2690 BC (2nd Dynasty)). Kings
were also known to carry a staff, and Pharaoh Anedjib is shown on
stone vessels carrying a so-called mks-staff. The staff with the
longest history seems [clarification needed] to be the heqa-sceptre
(the shepherd's crook).
sceptre also assumed a central role in the Mesopotamian world, and
was in most cases part of the royal insignia of sovereigns and gods.
This is valid throughout the whole Mesopotamian history, as illustrated
by both literary and administrative texts and iconography. The Mesopotamian
sceptre was mostly called Gidru in Sumerian and Hattum in Akkadian.
the early Greeks, the sceptre (staff, stick, baton) was a long staff,
such as Agamemnon wielded (Iliad, i) or was used by respected elders
(Iliad, xviii. 46; Herodotus 1. 196), and came to be used by judges,
military leaders, priests, and others in authority. It is represented
on painted vases as a long staff tipped with a metal ornament. When
the sceptre is borne by Zeus or Hades, it is headed by a bird. It
was this symbol of Zeus, the king of the gods and ruler of Olympus,
that gave their inviolable status to the kerykes, the heralds, who
were thus protected by the precursor of modern diplomatic immunity.
When, in the Iliad, Agamemnon sends Odysseus to the leaders of the
Achaeans, he lends him his sceptre.
the Etruscans, sceptres of great magnificence were used by kings
and upper orders of the priesthood. Many representations of such
sceptres occur on the walls of the painted tombs of Etruria. The
British Museum, the Vatican, and the Louvre possess Etruscan sceptres
of gold, most elaborately and minutely ornamented.
Roman sceptre probably derived from the Etruscan. Under the Republic,
an ivory sceptre (sceptrum eburneum) was a mark of consular rank.
It was also used by victorious generals who received the title of
imperator, and its use as a symbol of delegated authority to legates
apparently was revived in the marshal's baton.
the First Persian Empire, the Biblical Book of Esther mentions the
sceptre of the King of Persia. Esther 5:2 When the king saw Esther
the queen standing in the court, she obtained favor in his sight;
and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his
hand. So Esther came near, and touched the top of the scepter.
the Roman Empire, the sceptrum Augusti was specially used by the
emperors, and was often of ivory tipped with a golden eagle. It
is frequently shown on medallions of the later empire, which have
on the obverse a half-length figure of the emperor, holding in one
hand the sceptrum Augusti, and in the other the orb surmounted by
a small figure of Victory.
Vedic Aryans Sceptre is mostly used by Brahmin Monks known as Shankaracharya.
In India Sceptri was and is used by Kings, Shankaracharyas, Gatekeepers
(dwarpal) of Temples and Kings Court, Sadhus, etc.
in Veds :
is older than Veds but, since, for guidance we are left with one
of the oldest scriptures in the world known as Veds, when we search
in the Veds we get the answer on how Sceptre started.
are total 4 Veds :
Veds |
calculated from 5 August 2021 |
Ved |
- 1200 |
days, 7 months and 3,520 years to
days, 7 months and 3,220 years |
Ved |
- 1000 |
days, 7 months and 3,220 years to
days, 7 months and 3,020 years |
Ved |
- 800 |
days, 7 months and 3,220 years to
days, 7 months and 2,820 years |
Ved |
- 900 |
days, 7 months and 3,220 years to
days, 7 months and 2,920 years |
dates are related to completion of Veds.
Veds mention word Udumbara and Parichi i.e., The guardian palaswood
staff which is laid outside the sacred enclosure, and which nothing
unclean must pass.
english translation of Veds Sceptre is called Staff.
Sam Ved :
Prapa'thaka VI, Fifth Das'ati :
7. As among kings, or among learned men in the assembly of the sages1
or among rustics, emulation is produced; so in this sacrifice, where
the covered up liquid is being purified, whenever (a similar spirit
prevails), I, like the Brahman armed with the sacrificial staff,
sing verses to procure the increase of our cattle.
: The
original is Parichi ; i.e., the guardian palas•wood staff
which is laid outside the sacred enclosure, and which nothing unclean
must pass.)
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b) Yajur Ved Kanva Shakha (branch) :
Book the Third :
This, Rudra, is thy food: with this depart beyond the Mujavaus.
With bow unstrung, with mufled staff, clothed in a garmeut made
of skin, gracious, not harming us, depart.
Adhvara Khanda, Chapter 1, Brahmana III :
(One reason) why he thus bends his fingers is (that he thinks) "I
do not in this manner commence (take hold tangibly) in the sacrifice
as (in the manner) this cloth or staff or any other thing in human
practice". Verily the gods are the sacrifice. The gods are
invisible, as it were. Thus (by bending his fingers) he indeed commences
(takes hold of) the invisible sacrifice itself (chanting) "Svaha
(I take hold of) the sacrifice from the mind". Thus he takes
hold of this from the mind Svaha from the vast mid-region. Thus
he takes hold (ofthe sacrifice) from the vast mid-region. "Svaha
from the heaven and the earth" - thus he takes hold of this
from these two viz., heaven and earth on which all this (universe)
rests. "Svaha from the wind I take hold, -This which blows
(the wind) is indeed the sacrifice. Thus he visibly (directly) takes
hold of this. Why he says 'Svaha', 'Svaha' (each time) is that he
thus verily accepts this (sacrifice) as his own. Thushe takes this
into himself. (He thinks) "Having taken the sacrifice into
myself, let me undertake the vow. Now he restrains his speech (undertakes
the vow of silence). Indeed speech is sacnfice, (He thinks), "Having
taken the sacrifice into myself, let me undertake the vow".
Chapter 2, Brahmana I :
Then he (the Adhvaryu) gives to him (a staff) of 'Udumbara' (ficus
Glomerata) tree. Yajnavalkya said, "The Udumbara (staff) is
verily for holding (for support). If not one, the 'upasad' ritual
may transgress". The staff is really the thunderbolt, for driving
away evil forces. It is of the Udumbara tree. Udumbara is food,
strength. Therefore is it (the staff) made of 'Udumbara' wood. It
is upto the mouth (measured up to the mouth) (in length). For this
strength is upto die mouth.
24. He gives (the staff to the sacrificer) (chanting) "Oh tree!
Rise tall, erect, save me from sin (harm); till the completion of
this sacrifice". He verily says (means) this, "(standing)
erect, protect me till the completion of this sacrifice".
: 10.
He binds on and addresses a girdle of two plaited strands of hemp
and one of Munja grass. Angirases: descendants of Angiras, a semi-divine
patriarchal Rishi. See Index to The Hymns of the Rigveda. Garment-knot:
the meeting ends of the cloth worn round the body; 'tuck' : Eggeling.
Of Soma : belonging to Soma after the consecration of the wearer,
and to the Fathers before that ceremony. Vishnu's: the Sacrificer's.
The womb of Indra : be addresses a black-buck's horn which he ties
to the fringe of his garment. See the legend. Sacred Books of the
East. XXVI. 30-38. Mahidhara gives a somewhat similar legend, from
the Taittiriya-Samhita, ascribing Indra’s birth to the union
of Yajna (Sacrifice) with Dakshina, Sacrificial Guerdon instead
of Vak (Speech). Make the crops : he draws a line with the horn
on the ground. O Tree: a staff of Udumbara (Ficus Glomerata) wood
which the Adhvaryu gives to the Sacrificer.)
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c) Atharv Ved :
Book 5, Hymn V :
wound the arrow, or the staff, or violence inflicts, Thereof thou
art the remedy: as such restore this man to health.
Book 10, Hymn IV :
kill the scorpion with a club, and with a staff the new-come snake.
Book 10, Hymn VIII :
art a woman, and a man; thou art a damsel and a boy. Grown old thou
totterest with a staff, new-born thou lookest every way.
Book 18, Hymn II :
From his dead hand I take the staff he carried, together with his
lore and strength and splendour. There art thou, there; and here
with good men round us may we o'ercome all enemies and foemen.
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