In the 1930's, J. B. Rhine and Karl Zener from the Duke University Psychology Department designed a deck of 25 cards to test for ESP. The deck consisted of five cards of each symbol: Star, Circle, Wave, Square, and Cross. This on-line test uses only 10 cards created using a random number generator.


Since there are only 5 different symbols, the chance of guessing any one card is 1/5 (20%). On average, you should be able to guess two symbols for the 10 cards displayed. The significance level is calculated using a two-tailed statistical t Test. The term "not significant" means that the results do not differ substantially from what would be expected by chance.


There are 6 games to check your e.s.p. level.


1. 1 Card guess game developed by J. B. Rhine and Karl Zener
2. 5 Cards guess game developed by J. B. Rhine and Karl Zener
3. 1 color card guess developed by Dr. Gaurav A. Vyas
4. 7 color card guess developed by Dr. Gaurav A. Vyas
5. M.I.E. (mind in eyes) see the images of various eyes and select option of what they are thinking
6. Pendulum game to check your intution level and your tunning with pendulum developed by Dr. Gaurav A. Vyas