can be can be explained in 3 ways 1. Spiritual and Scientific, 2.
History of Lunette (Stele) and, 3. Possibilities and Facts.
1. Spiritual and Scientific :
word Shivling does not mean Shiv’s Ling. This word is misunderstood
because it is compared with Hindi language. Shiv Lingam is a Sanskrit
word which means Shiv’s Sign / Symbol (ling).
we see lingam it contains two parts Lingam and yoni. The picture
of Mount Kailash resembles the lingam and yoni. So we can say that
shivlings are smaller version of Mount Kailash and in Shivlings
we are actually worshiping Mount Kailash.
Kailash is important because 4 rivers Brahmputra, Indus, Sutlej
and Karnali (Tributary of Ganges), originate from near it. Mount
Kailash was some kind of Power source (nuclear) what we are actually
worshipping in Shivlings is as Source of Power (nuclear). This can
be true because we pour water on the shivlings. We pour water because
water is a coolant and nuclear power requires coolant. Thus our
act of pouring water on Shivling is representation that we are cooling
the nuclear plant because if we don’t use coolant nuclear
plant could explode causing destruction (as they say it happens
when Lord Shiv is God of Destruction). Thus to cool Lord Shiv we
pour water so that they don’t get hot and explode.
way we put tilak on the shiv lingam is 3 lines. This resembles the
lines on the face of Mount Kailash. Thus we could say actually we
are worshipping Mount Kailash in Shivlings.
is Rakshashtal near Mount Kailash where bathing is prohibited. It
is said that Ravan took bath in that lake and now no one’s
take bath because who ever baths in the water of Rakshashtal they
get disfigured/ become Rakshash. It is said that Ravan, the King
of Lanka wanted to take Mount Kailash to Lanka. He picked up Mount
Kailash and left for Lanka but could not reach Lanka. Why a King
wanted to take Mount when he had everything in world. It may be
because Kailash was a nuclear power plant which Ravan wanted to
take to Lanka. Because after touching radioactive source Ravan carried
nuclear residue which was left in Lake Rakshashtal after he bathed
in it. Now whoever bathes in radioactive water will get disfigured
due to ill effects of radiation. Could it be that Rakshashtal has
radioactive remains of the power plant? If the waters of Rakshashtal
test positive for radiation (we don’t know this yet) then
we can say Mount Kailash is nuclear power plant.
practice is that before worshiping Shree Yantra of Goddess Laxmi
we should touch it to Shivlingam. Yantra means Machine. Every machine
requires some power source to function. Could it we be implying
that we should touch a machine (yantra) to a power source (shivling)
before we make use of the machine. This act leaves us to think that
that Shivling is source of power.
the cylinder of the Shivlingam, the nuclear reactor too needs a
regular supply of water to cool it down as it heats up during the
process of generating energy. Notice the coils around the main reactor?
Those are the structures built to dispose of the water- just like
the coils around the lingam.
it has been universally assumed that the 12 Jyotirlings are objects
of mere esoteric, spiritual homage, there are overwhelming indications
that the Shivling symbolizes atomic reactors of immemorial past.
There are innumerable and irresistible points of identity between
the two.
the shape. The shape of a Shivling is identical to modern atomic
Shivlingam is traditionally rooted in standing water below the ground
level. Over the emblem also hangs a pitcher which constantly drips
water over the Shivlingam. The holy Ganga is also depicted as flowing
over the head of Lord Shiv. All these indicate condensation devices
(including a crescent moon on the forehead). Why are so many condensation
devices associated with Shivlingam (and Shiv), if it does not symbolizes
an energy producing facility?
is only in a Shiv temple that the water flowing from the lingam
is not consumed as holy water. The water from a lingam is not drunk
for precisely the same reason as the water from a nuclear reactor
is not potable- it is charged water. Why are shiv temples always
found near a source of water, say a river or lake? That is because
shiv lingams- just like modern day reactors need water for cooling
the core. Do you know that no one is allowed to cross the spout
of a shiv lingam during pradakshina- circumambulation of the lingam
during worship? People have to turn back as soon as they approach
the spout because the spout represents irradiated water.
of Shiv complete only 3/4th round of the Shivling. They must turn
back from the water outlet. They are not supposed to cross that
waste water channel. Priest’s say “the water coming
out of Shivling is “impure” and that one must not touch
it at any cost". Hence the waste water emerging from the Shivling
depicted radioactive waste and hence traditionally should not be
scientific neutralizer also used to be provided. Namely when Gharund
is placed at the water outlet and the waste water channeled through
it, devotees may freely cross the waste water channel to complete
the round. This clearly points to the fact that ancient Hindus had
devised a scientific gadget by which they could neutralize the atomic
put bael leaves (bilipatra) on a lingam. These leaves are believed
to have a capability to absorb radioactive radiation and hence protect
vulnerable lives around a lingam.
ancient nuclear power houses :
a closer analysis of the term Jyotirling, we find that the Sanskrit
term ‘Jyoti’ means light and ‘ling’ means
symbol. Therefore the term Jyotirling can also be translated as
‘Symbol of light’.
of the twelve Jyotirling is situated near a water body. It again
symbolizes condensation process.
a study carried out, ground water in Varanasi was found to have
a much higher radioactive Uranium content than permissible limit.
What is the reason for such a high Uranium content in Varanasi?
We know that the Kashi Vishvanath Jyotirling is situated in Varanasi.
If we have reliable methods of evaluating radioactive contents dating
back 5000-7000 years, we may have the twelve sites checked.
and Radioactivity :
is nature's perfect radioactivity delivery system, Danielle, ideally
suited to slipping nuclear contaminants into places where they can
mess you up good. Let's review its many insidious advantages.
1. |
a food. While an external dusting of radionuclides isn't healthy,
for efficient long-term irradiation of vulnerable organs there's
no substitute for actually ingesting the stuff. |
2. |
fast. Not to knock potatoes and chicken, but growing these
items can take weeks or months. With milk, the fallout simply
drifts over the pasture and lands on the grass, which the
cows then eat. The radioactive particles are deposited in
the cows' milk, the farmers milk the cows, and in a day or
two the contaminated product shows up in the dairy case. |
3. |
it's processed quickly, milk makes effective use of contaminants
that would otherwise rapidly decay. A byproduct of uranium
fission is the radioactive isotope iodine-131. Iodine is critical
to functioning of the thyroid gland, and any iodine-131 consumed
will be concentrated there. However, iodine-131 has a half-life
of just eight days. The speed of dairying eliminates this
impediment. |
4. |
also does a good job of delivering other radioactive contaminants,
such as cesium-134 and cesium-137. Although not important
for human health, radioactive cesium mimics potassium, which
we do need, and is readily absorbed by the body. Another uranium
breakdown product is strontium-90, which is especially hazardous
to children, since it can be incorporated into growing bones.
In contrast to radioactive iodine, strontium-90 has a half-life
of about 29 years. |
Stones :
definition, granite is an igneous rock with mica, amphibole, at
least 20% quartz and up to 65% alkali feldspar by
volume. Granite differs from granodiorite in that at least 35%
of the feldspar in granite is alkali feldspar as opposed
to plagioclase; it is the potassium feldspar that gives many types
of granite a distinctive pink color.
is a natural source of radiation, like most natural stones.
However, some granites have been reported to have higher radioactivity
thereby raising some concerns about their safety.
is a radioactive isotope of weak emission, and a constituent
of alkali feldspar, which in turn is a common component of
granitic rocks, more abundant in alkali feldspar granite and
syenites. Naturally, a geiger counter should register
this low effect.
granites contain around 10 to 20 parts per million (ppm) of uranium.
By contrast, more mafic rocks such as tonalite, gabbro or diorite
have 1 to 5 ppm uranium, limestone’s and sedimentary rocks
usually have equally low amounts. Many large granite plutons are
the sources for palaeo channel-hosted or roll front uranium ore
deposits, where the uranium washes into the sediments from the granite
uplands and associated, often highly radioactive, pegmatites. Cellars
and basements sunk into soils over granite can become a trap for
radon gas, which is formed by the decay of uranium. Radon gas poses
significant health concerns, and is the number two cause of lung
occurs in all granites as well. Conway granite has been noted
for its relatively high thorium concentration of 56 (±6)
stone as well as the chair you are sitting on, the air you are breathing
every day and the soil you are standing on. Basically everything
in nature has some level or radioactivity. However, the radioactivity
of granite (or your chair) is not so high that it could produce
any harm.
radioactivity of all the materials around us comes from tiny quantities
of mostly uranium that is inside of almost any natural material.
Sedimentary rocks like sandstone for example contain about
one to four micrograms of uranium per gram of rock. Igneous rocks
(that is basalt or granite) can contain between 0.5 to four
micrograms of uranium per gram of rock. However, usual sand like
beach sand for instance contains about three micrograms of
uranium per gram of sand and the average soil contains one to three
micrograms of uranium per gram.
radioactivity of granite and marble is therefore not higher
than the radioactivity of any other natural object around.
History of Lunette (Stele) :

with Decree of Nectanebo I (lunette of the top 1/3 of stele)
lunette spatial region in the upper portion of stelas, became common
for stelas as a prelude to a stele's topic. [clarification needed]
Its major use was from ancient Egypt in all the various categories
of stelas: funerary, Victory stelas, autobiographical, temple, votive,
lunettes are most common from ancient Egyptian stelas, as not only
is the topic of the stele presented, but honorific gods, presenters,
individuals, etc. are previewed, and often with Egyptian hieroglyphic
main body of the stele is then presented below, often separated
with a horizontal line (register), but not always. In Egyptian stelas,
many have horizontal lines of hieroglyphs; often the lunette will
contain shorter vertical statements in hieroglyphs, sometimes just
names of the individuals portrayed, hieroglyphs in front, or behind
the individual.

votive stele
Dynasty Egypt, post Amarna :
From the post-Amarna period onwards, many personal stelas made
exhortations to the ancient Egyptian deities; stelas to specific
gods "were erected to intervene personally with the local god,
often to seek justice or offer an explanation for things that had
gone wrong in their lives. The deceased is shown kneeling, holding
up his hands in prayer, ....." Some of the personal votive
stelas had ears (hieroglyphs), to represent the gods listening to
the supplicant.
Period :
Amarna Period was an era of Egyptian history during the later half
of the Eighteenth Dynasty when the royal residence of the pharaoh
and his queen was shifted to Akhetaten ('Horizon of the Aten') in
what is now Amarna. It was marked by the reign of Amenhotep IV,
who changed his name to Akhenaten (1353–1336 BC) in
order to reflect the dramatic change of Egypt's polytheistic religion
into one where the sun disc Aten was worshipped over all other gods.
The Egyptian pantheon was restored under Akhenaten's successor,
Ancient Eyptian
of Lunette with Wings, (filling the semicircle top of stele)

of upper Ancient Egyptian stele, filled with vertical registers
of hieroglyphs

of Amenhotep I
steles of Decree of Nectanebo I, for Nectanebo I

Egypt stele (a snake aficionado)

upper lunette) Deeply incised, bas-relief main body of stele

scene from Naram-Sin of Akkad's stele
know more about Stele Click
3. Possibilities and Facts :
mention of Shivlingam is found in Purans and not in Veds. Purans
were written between 7th and 5th century BC. During the attack
of Asurs, the descendents of Vashisht migrated to India and it
is this time when Purans were written and Buddhism, Jainism, zoroastrianism,
Judaism and Christianity were formed officially as a religion
but the base is same which is of Sumerians who are Aryans this
is the reason why we find many similarities is all different the
religions including Shia Islam.
know about Aryans and Hinduism and first migration of Aryans into
India Click
Shivlingam Design :

original Shivlingam looks like above it was later that the base
was added for water to flow and offerings to be kept. Originally
the Lingam and Base are not joint they both are seperate but now
a days in temples the Lingam and Base both are joint made of single

Lingam with Base
Origin of Shivlingam :
In the Starting
Aryans were Sun Worshippers and Chaldeans worshipped Snakes, Tortoise,
Bull (Nandi), etc. due to matrimonial alliances Snake is kept
on Shivlingam and Tortoise and Bull is kept infront of Shivlingam
in temples.
Early Egyptian
dynasty was Aryan origin having matrimonial alliance with Chaldeans
and hence we can see Sun, Snakes, etc. in Egyptian Stele.
with Snake

with Bull (Nandi)

with Snake and Bull (Nandi)

(Nandi) and Tortoise
written by Lieutenant Colonel Laurence Austine Waddell Shiv is
Indra / Adam / Thor and Parvati is Inanna / Eve.
know more about it Click
culture is seen in various countries below I am giving a example

bixi-born Yan Temple Renovation Stele dated Year 9 of Zhizheng
era in Yuan Dynasty (AD 1349), in Qufu, Shandong, China
The Hammurabi
code of laws :
Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules is written on
a stele which shape looks like a Lingam. It is possible that when
Aryans migrated to India between 7th and 5th B.C. due to Asurs (Assyrian)
attack they did not carve a specific shape on stele because along
with Aryans, Chaldean, etc. also migrated to India and as Aryan
Warriors (Kshatriyas / Rajputs) had Matrimonial Alliance with Chaldean
they worshipped few common gods hence a stele without any image
or writing became a Shivlingam for all faiths.

Hammurabi code of laws
Jaladhari :
important thing kept on Shivlingam is Jaladhari through which drop
by drop water falls on Shivlingam. As a matter of fact it was Varahamihir
who had built Jaladhari not for religious purpose but for time calculation.
drop by drop water falls he would calculate time but people kept
his Jaladhari on Shivlingam.
(c. 505 – c. 587) in Gupta Period, also called Varah or Mihir,
was an ancient Indian astrologer, astronomer, and polymath who lived
in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh, India). He was born at Kayatha, in the
Avanti region, roughly corresponding to modern-day Malwa (part of
Madhya Pradesh, India), to Adityadas. According to one of his own
works, he was educated at Kapitthak.
most notable works were the Brihat Samhita, an encyclopedic work
on architecture, temples, planetary motions, eclipses, timekeeping,
astrology, seasons, cloud formation, rainfall, agriculture, mathematics,
gemology, perfumes and many other topics.

and Jaladhari

trident is kept near Shivlingam. about which Lieutenant Colonel
Laurence Austine Waddell has explained.

with Trident
in Statue Menhir :

neolithic Sardinian menhir (c. 2500 BC) recovered at Laconi and
assigned to the Abealzu-Filigosa culture
Abealzu-Filigosa culture was a Copper Age culture of Sardinia (2700-2400
BC). It takes its name from the locality of Abealzu, near Osilo,
and Filigosa, near Macomer.
populations of this culture lived mainly in the Sassarese area and
other parts of central-southern Sardinia. They still used obsidian
to produce tools and weapons but copper objects, such as the daggers
depicted in the Statue menhir, were becoming common. Lead and silver
were also smelted. Their economy was focused on pastoralism and
agriculture. They worshipped warrior ancestors and created megalithic
pottery of Abealzu show some similarities with those of the Rinaldone
and Gaudo culture from the Italian peninsula.
this period date the second phase of construction of the massive
megalithic temple of Monte d'Accoddi.
is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after Sicily,
and one of the 20 regions of Italy. It is located west of the Italian
Peninsula, north of Tunisia and immediately south of the French
island of Corsica.
were Phoenician (Panchal) ports near Mediterranean Sea this is why
we find Trident and many common symbols accross the region.
menhir :
statue menhir is a type of carved standing stone created during
the later European Neolithic.
statues consist of a vertical slab or pillar with a stylised design
of a human figure cut into it, sometimes with hints of clothing
or weapons visible.
estatua-menhir del Pla de les Pruneres (Mollet del Vallès).
Complutum, 2011, Vol. 22 (1): 71–87. Universidad Complutense
de Madrid. Madrid
They are most commonly found in southern and western France, Catalonia,
Corsica, Sardinia, Italy and the Alps. A group from the Iron Age
also is known in Liguria and Lunigiana.
are two in Guernsey, La Gran' Mère du Chimquière ('the
Grandmother of the Cemetery'), a highly detailed example in the
churchyard of Parish of Saint Martin, and another known simply as
La Gran' Mère in the Parish of Castel. The latter is an earlier,
less detailed example found buried underneath the porch of the parish

la Dame de Saint-Sernin, musée Fenaille de Rodez

menhir of Paillemalbiau (Murat-sur-Vèbre)

menhir of Laconi, Sardinia
Argan Oil Stone
Grinder similar to Shivlingam :

Oil Grinder

Oil Grinder

Oil Grinder

Oil Grinder

Oil Grinder

Oil Grinder
we can see that Argan oil grider in Morocco is Similar to Shivlingam.
history of the oil of argan has often been confused with the history
of Morocco, becoming this the emblem of the lands of the country.
Argan oil has passed through the hands of various peoples. One
of the first uses that were given to the oil of Argan was to feed
the oil lamps; the Phoenicians used it as fuel thanks to the high
luminosity that gives off this oil. Later, the Berber people
in Morocco discovered their cosmetic and nutritional virtues and
began to incorporate it into their habits of life.
are claims that Argan oil was sold by merchants in the Mediterranean
region around 12th century B.C. this claim can or cannot be true
but we know that Argan oil is connected with Phoenicians (Panchals)
who are Aryans.
is possible that the Argan oil grinder was to in making Somras which
is mentioned in Veds and Purans which was later worshipped as Shivlingam
or it is also possible that Shivlingam was later used as Argan oil