This topic
covers all important scriptures of Aryans / Hindus in India. There
is a difference between Hindus and Aryans. First let us understand
step by step history and then we will understand various scriptures.
History :
were 2 main cult in past. 1st was Moon Cult and 2nd was of Sun worshippers
known as Aryans.
Moon Cult tribe known as Chaldees and Edenites of Wodan and El worshipped
Moon including Mother and Son (Matriarchst) cult i.e. worshipping
Goddess, devil, tortoise, bull, scorpio, crocodile and snake worship,
performing human sacrifice, witchcraft, etc.
were part of Moon Cult tribe.
were 4 categories of Amazon women warriors in Eden :
No. |
women warriors |
1. |
(Goth), |
2. |
Elf, |
3. |
of Dvalin Dwarf and, |
4. |
Moon Cult tribe lived in Eden. The Edda definitely places Eden at
the Upper Euphrates called Uimer, the Omiras of the Greeks.
history of Amazons starts from Eden located on Upper Euphrates.
There are 2 Edens. One is located at Upper Euphrates the second
is located at Indus Valley (Sindhu) which was formed by King Thor
/ Indra / Adam.
• |
history of Aryans starts with Angiras / Ali.
• |
ancient Aryan worship started with Sun which included signs
like cross i.e. + and Swastik. |
• |
the marriage of Thor with Eve who was an Aryan Goth but
was raised by Chaldees. |
• |
tradition of Tombstones started with Aryans. The hand symbol
found on Tombstones of Aryans represents the first Aryan
King Thor / Indra / Adam. |
Right Hand on Tombstones shows sun-wise right-hand direction of
the Aryan Solar-cult.
know more about Tombstones Click
2. Arya / Aryan :
/ Aryan means noble. More than a religion it's a civilization according
to Veds it consists of 5 divisions. 1. Brahmin = Priests 2. Kshatriya
= Warriors 3. Vaishya = Businessman 4. Shudra = Service oriented
people and 5. Nishad = Boatsman.
3. Brahmins and Aryan / Arya Brahmins :
ancient times the knowledgeable and learned were called Brahmins.
They were not only temple priest but also kings. It was later that
the tasks were divided where temple priests were Brahmins and Kshatriyas
were warriors and kings.
a person says he is a Brahmin his ancestors can be of Chaldees and
Edenites Moon Cult or Sun Worshipping Aryan.
/ Sage Bhrigu was a Brahmin who was from Phrygia also known as "The
Land of Lions" which is at present in Turkey. He was of Chaldees
and Edenites Moon Cult.
got married to Khyati who was daughter of Daksh / Cain. Daksh /
Cain was son of King Thor / Indra / Adam.
Brahmins there is Gotra which means lineage. When a person says
I am of Gautam Gotra it means that he is of Sage Gautam lineage.
When the lineage of Rishi was not known they were said to be created
by Brahma (creator).
According to Purans the 10 mind born sons of Brahma are Angiras,
Atri, Brighu, Daksh, Kratu, Mareechi, Narad, Pulastya, Pulah and
Vashishth. These were Priest Kings and when their lineage is not
found in any written records they are said to be created by Lord
Brahma who is also known as creator.
Brahmins :
First Aryan King as Thor / Ikshvaku / Indra / Adam of Angiras /
Ali Dynasty (Great Grandson of Angiras / Ali) hence, technically
speaking Aryan word is only related to Angiras Dynasty and its descendants
this is the reason why Sumerians, Persians, Akkadians, Alexander
the Great, Cyrus, Darius, Achilles and Angiras / Ali descendants
living in India are called Aryans.
Angiras / Ali, Gautam / Gaudumu, Kakishivan / Ausija come under
Aryan Brahmins as they belong to Angiras / Ali dynasty of Sun worshipping
4. Split in Aryans :
was a split in Aryans where in Zoroastrians sided with Asurs and
others sided with Devtas and the first official religion started
as Zoroastrian by zarathustra / Zoroaster.
It won't be wrong if we conclude that the patrons of the epics and
the Purans, were in favor of the Devs while the patrons of the Avesta
were against the Devs. Consequently, the followers of the epic-puranic
traditions were opposed to the Asurs while the followers of the
Avestan traditions were in favor of the Asurs. This inversion of
patronage and this opposition in concepts was never very clear since
these people lived separately in India and Iran, developing their
culture and traditions separately. However this isolation was never
perfect. Often there were exchange of ideas between India and Iran.
Consequently there were Asurs described in the Epics and Purans
in good light such as Mahabali and Vrishaparvan and there were narrations
in the epics and Purans were the Devs, especially their leader Thor
/ Indra, described in a bad light.
5. Veds, Avesta and Aryan Nations :
records all the events and incidents which took place in Iran, Iraq,
Egypt, Central Asia, Indus, etc.
and Avesta were written together and they share few common Gods
like Sun (Mitra / Mithra) and Varun.
of Aryan nations as per Avesta :
Avestan book of Vendidad starts with a list of sixteen nations (Chapter
1, 1-16), the first being Airyanem Vaejo or Airyana Vaeja.
not Part of the Original Listing of Vendidad Lands :
Vendidad, and indeed the entire Avesta, does not mention Persia
or Media. This was because Persia and Media became nations after
the Avestan canon was closed. However, The Achaemenian Persian Kings
(c. 700 - 330 BCE) repeatedly proclaimed their Aryan heritage.
view Sixteen
Nations of the Vendidad and other Aryan nations Click
6. Exchange of knowledge :
do not contain Matriarchst Cult it was only after death of Thor
/ Indra that Matriarchst Cult ideology was merged and worship of
Goddess started.
many centuries of death of King Thor / Indra / Adam due to matrimonial
and other alliances the Matriarchst Cult merged with Sun worshipping
Aryans in India but this happened after many centuries.
compared to West the East i.e. India had always remained peaceful.
In India all ideologies were welcomed and knowledge started to grow.
During this period Veds were left untouched but various other scriptures
were composed by various intellectuals known as Brahmins who lived
outside India. Based on this many school of thought opened known
as Shakha (branch).
is the reason why the original scripture of Aryans is Veds and other
texts are not given much importance as compared to Veds.
7. Asurs (Assyrians) and Early Migration of Aryans into India :
to Lieutenant Colonel Laurence Austine Waddell :
Makers of Civilization in Race and History :
7th century B.C. is a very important time frame as it explains the
cause of first migration of Aryans towards India.
No. |
women warriors |
1. |
of the Sumerian period had been for long a homeland of the
Early Aryan ruling race, whose later eastern branch had migrated
to Gangetic India as the Indo-Aryans about the beginning of
the seventh century B.C. |
2. |
was natural that the remnant of the Kassi or Kashi Dynasty
with their clansmen should return to their old home on expulsion
from Babylonia by the Semites and we find members of this
Kashi clan amongst the emigrants to India, the road to which
from Asia Minor and Syria ran from their old capital on the
Upper Euphrates |
3. |
further, I observed that the last historical king of the Khatti
or Hittites, namely, WI-SI-TI-the-Hero with his capita at
Carchemish in Upper-Syria, was identical with VICITRA (or
"Wicitra")-the-Hero, of the Kuru Line, the father
of the First traditional King of Gangetic India (Dhrita-Rashtra)
who was the first semi-historical king of Gangetic India and
who in his old age was the contemporary of The Great War of
tke Bharats (or Khattiyo) for the partition of Gangetic India,
at the dawn I of the historical period in Gangetic India.
significant new historical facts, the details of which are
fully given in my forthcoming "Origin of Indian Civllization,"
conclusively fixed not only the fact of that Great Migration
of Aryans of the Kuru line to Gangetic India as the Indo-Aryans,
but also showed that it came mainly from Eastern Kur or Asia
Minor and Syria of the Hittites, and consisted of the remnants
of the Sumerian or Aryan stock left there with accretions
from Persia and there was also disclosed the Cause of that
Great Migration to Gangetic India, which brought there the
official King-Lists and Chronicles of the Early Aryans, and
its exact Date. |
of "The Great Migration" of Aryan Remnants from Eastern
Kur or Asia Minor (and Syria) to Gangetic India and its date :
immediate cause which led to this Great Migration of the Kurus,
as the remnants of the "Sumerians" or Early Aryan stock
left in Kur or Eastern Asia Minor, including Syria-Phoenicia and
Kurdistan, was obviously the devastating and annihilating war of
extermination waged by the notorious Semitic Assyrian king Sargon
II against the cluster of old mountain states of Eastern Asia Minor
to the north and west of Assyria and Babylonia, from Lake Van in
Armenia to Cilicia and Syria-Phoenicia in the west.
was the last straw after the series of similar ruthless conquests
by his predecessers, who brutally butchered their victims, crucifying
and flaying them alive and transporting many of the remainder wholesale
into captivity, as they did likewise to the Jews.
II captured the southern Hittite capital Carchemish in 717 B.C.
and killed its king Wisiti-the-Hero, the last of the once mighty
Hittite kings and reduced Carchemish to a province of his empire
under an Assyrian governor. And concurrently the Cimmerians had
occupied the greater part of Cappadocia in the north.
caught between the two jaws of a vice, the Great Migration of the
Kurus, with their princes and priests and their families and army
of retainers to Gangetic India is disclosed as a great flight of
refugees fleeing from Carchemish and Syria-Phoenicia, Kurdistan
and Armenia, to escape from the atrocities of the barbarous Assyrian
(Asur) victors, and the probable attack by the Cimmerians on the
now explains for the first time the cryptic reference in the early
post-Vedic literature that the Kurus were driven out of their old
home of Kuru-Land by a curse and it also explains why the "Asurs"
are called "devils" in Indian literature.
are also known as Asurs in Veds.
as a carrom striker hits coins same way the attack of Assyrians
compelled Aryans and many other tribes to migrate. This became base
for forming new religions.
know more about Asurs (Assyrians) and Aryan conflict Click

further reading Click
8. Aryan Scriptures in India :

on the image to enlarge
To view the List of historical Indian texts Click
overview about what is Veds, Shakas, Upnishads and Purans Click
9. Starting of Different religions :
was founded in Persia in the 6th century BCE by the priest Zarathustra,
known to the Greeks as Zoroaster but before being called Zoroastians
Iranians were and still are Aryans.
history of the Jews and Judaism can be divided into five periods
Ancient Israel before Judaism, from the beginnings to 586 BCE and,
The beginning of Judaism in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.
time period between 6th and 5th BCE is very important beause this
is the time when different philosophies based on Sumerian Aryan
civilization took form of different religion.
10. Starting of different religions in India :
and Jainism was used as a strategy by Kings. Both these religions
were started by Kings.
of Buddhism :
was founded by Siddharth Gautam who was a Shakya (Shak) belonging
to Sage Gautam clan. Siddhartha Gautama was born in c. 563 B.C.
or 480 B.C. in Lumbini, Shakya Republic. Suddhodana was his father
and Maya Devi was his mother. Siddharth Gautam's wife was Yashodhra
and they had a son named Rahul.
of Jainism :
was founded by Vardhaman also known as Mahavir. He was born in 599
B.C. in Kshatriyakund, Vaishali (in modern day Bihar). His parents
are King Siddharth (not Siddharth Gautam) and Queen Trishala. Vardhaman's
siblings are Nandivardhan and Sudarshan.
was married to Yashoda and had a daughter Priyadarshan.
Siddharth the father of Vardhaman was the ruler of the Nat or Jnatri
clan in Kshatriya Kundagrama, a suburb of Vaishali (Basarh in modern-day
was of Aryan Ikshvaku dynasty i.e. of King Thor / Indra / Adam.
of religions in India :
Western side countries of India was going through wars and Kings
living in India knew that by wars they can win over a nation but
can't rule it for a longer period of time.
kings came up with a strategy that they will spread a message of
peace and non-violence to such an extent that people specially Non-aryans
don't take weapons in their hands.
wanted the Non-aryans to convert to their made religion because
the Non-aryans didnt have any specific religion or belief system.
Brahmins and Brahmins opposed this strategy because they didn't
want their scriptures to go in hands of other Non-aryans. Hence,
the kings who were Aryans and already knew Aryan scriptures modified
the Aryan scriptures, made few changes but kept same mantras, principles,
hymns, symbols like swastik, lotus, etc. and created new religion
based on peace, celibacy, fasting, becoming monk and extreme non-violence.
strategy was simple containing many parts as following :
1. |
their new ideology and spread it to different nations and
converting Non-aryans. |
2. |
the King of any other country surrenders without war its
good otherwise once the people of the opposite country are
converted or start believing their religion created any
reason to start a war so that they can justify it and take
over that nation. |
3. |
biggest fear after winning a war over a nation is revolt
from people of that nation but since they were supporting
their religion they won't oppose them and even if they oppose
they won't fight because of the extreme level of non-violence
taught to them. |
4. |
is how religion based on non-violence was used a tool to
takeover other nations. The Kings who portrayed themselves
to be monks and left their kingdom to attain God and Salvation
actually ruled their kingdom from forests. |
Counter from Aryan Brahmins :
Aryan Brahmins and Brahmins knew this strategy but they remained
silent because of their alliance with Aryan kshatriyas and Kings.
Kings started religion based on non-violence as a tool to grab other
nations and after their death slowly after a period of time their
strategy started to backfire and other Non-Aryans started to become
monks, challenge Aryan and Brahmin scriptures. Not only this they
started to oppose Aryans and Brahmins and started false propaganda
against them and created immense level of hatred against Aryan Brahmins
and Brahmins.
stop the immense attack, hatred and false propaganda coming from
non-aryans based on ideology which was originally taken from Aryans
as a counter Upnishads, Purans, Ramayan, Mahabharat, etc. scriptures
were written by Brahmins and Aryan Brahmins but, they never modified
veds because it was the origin of Aryans and Brahmins and they didn't
want other Non-aryans to learn it.
Aryans who came from Danube River had developed sumerian civilization
and when Aryan Brahmins and Brahmins migrated from Near Asia to
India they had information in framents as much was lost in war and
what material they had they converted it from Sumerian language
to Sanskrit hence, they had made errors in translation.
only this the Chaldeans who also migrated towards India due to Assur
(Assyrian) attack they also contributed in Purans. The Chaldeans
had fragments of information with them and inorder to complete it
they made a story and adjusted that information in it Purans. Hence,
you can find Chaldean cult and its infulence in Purans and other
if we observe the timelines we can clearly what happend and why.
1. |
(Assyrians) attack on Aryans which lead to 1st migration
of Aryans towards India in 7th century B.C. |
2. |
of Buddhism and Jainism by Sun worshipper Aryan Kings in
5th century B.C. |
3. |
by Aryan Brahmins and Brahmins by Upnishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat,
etc. in 5th century B.C. |
4. |
migration of Aryans and other communities in India
after 633 - 654 A.D. due
to Arab invasion. |
12. Starting of Hinduism as a religion :
past Aryans and Non-aryans used to live in India (Bharat / Aryavrat).
The first attack of Arabs happened on Sasanian Empire on 633 - 654
A.D. on Mesopotamia, Caucasus, Persia, and Greater Khorasan under
Rashidun Caliphate. Iraq was at that time part of Persian Sasanian
the first half of the 8th century A.D., a series of battles took
place between the Umayyad Caliphate and the Indian kingdoms to the
east of the Indus River.
the attack of Rashidun Caliphate many tribes and warriors started
to migrate into India for safety and not to get converted into Islam.
This was second migration of Aryans into India.
the warriors and their tribes who came to India were supported by
Aryans in India because they already knew them.
India the Non-aryans had been into the ideology of non-violence
spread by Buddhism and Jainism. It is difficult to say whether they
believed in non-violance or were they cowards, cunning and shrewd
in not fighting Arabs.
the Arab forces attacked India the Non-aryans of India did not fight
against the Arabs rather it was the Aryans of India, Iraq, Iran,
etc. and Non-aryans of these nations who got together in India and
fought against Arabs.
Aryan Kshatriyas (warriors) and Aryan Brahmins (priests) got killed
in war fighting against Arabs the wives, daughter and all the Aryan
Kshatriyas women got together and did Jauhar (Self-immolation by
a group of women) and the wife of Aryan Brahmins (priests) became
Sati (Self-immolation by a individual woman) rather than falling
in the hands of Arabs. Such was the extent of Arab inhuman and barbaric
invasion and torture that women preferred to burn themselves alive
rather than being captive of Arabs.
slaughter of Indian Aryan Kshatriyas (warriors), Aryan Brahmins
(priests) and Brahmins (priests) was so immense that even at present
in 2021 A.D. the total population of Aryan Kshatryas, Aryan Brahmins
(priests) and Brahmins is not more than 5 % in India.
word Hindu :
the 6th-century BCE inscription of Darius I. The Punjab region,
called Sapt Sindhu in the Vedas, is called Hapta Hindu in Zend Avesta.
The 6th-century BCE inscription of Darius I mentions the province
of Hi[n]dush, referring to northwestern India. The people of India
were referred to as Hinduvan (Hindus) and Hindavi was used as the
adjective for Indian in the 8th century text Chachnama. The term
'Hindu' in these ancient records is an ethno-geographical term and
did not refer to a religion. The Arabic equivalent Al-Hind likewise
referred to the country of India.
cuneiform inscriptions found in Persia confirm that the word Hindu
was used in those days to refer to the people of the region near
the Indus River. Reference to the word is also found in the Zoroastrian
scripture, the Zend Avesta. It is said that when the Persian King
Darius 1 extended his empire to the borders of India in 517 BC,
he included many native people from the region into his army who
were referred to as Hindus. We have therefore reasons to believe
that the word Hindu was secular in origin rather than religious.
of Arab invasion many Aryans and other tribes crossed Sindhu river
and entered India Since the locals did not know what to call them
they started to call them Hindu.
like different fruits are kept in a basket same way all the people
who came to India from Sindhu because of Arab invasions were called
as Hindus and Hinduism became a ideology where all are welcomed.
People with different ideologies, beliefs, faith, etc were put into
this one word Hindu and it formed as religion. Even the Non-aryans
of India were called Hindus.
all Hindus are not Aryans and all Aryans are not Hindus.