History of Bharat (Aryavrat) is impossible without the Rajputs
/ Kshatriyas. It is not possible personally for me (Dr. Gaurav
A. Vyas) to include everything about the rich history of Rajput
/ Kshatriya because I am a Bhramin and dont have deep knowledge
of the rich history of Rajput / Kshatriya. I am writing what information
that I came accross and if I have made mistake I sincerly apoligize
to the Rajput / Kshatriya community.
Rajputs / Kshatriyas are also famous for a saying called "gau
Brahman pratipal" meaning protector of Cow and Bhramins.
Since Vedic civilization there has been unity and alliance between
Rajputs and Bhramins. Bhramins have given guidance, knowledge
and taught art of war to Rajputs and Rajputs have protected Brahmins.
it was not these Rajput kings than Bharat would had totally been
conquered by Islam and no Aryan would had survived. Bharat owes
a lot to these brave warriors who happily sacrificed their lives
for the nation and their names have been written in golden words
in the book of history forever.
A Rajput (from Sanskrit raja-putra, “son of a king”)
is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central,
northern India and some parts of Pakistan. They claim to be descendants
of ruling Hindu warrior classes of North India. Rajputs rose to
prominence during the 6th to 12th centuries. Until the 20th century,
Rajputs ruled in the “overwhelming majority” of the
princely states of Rajasthan and Surashtra, where the largest
number of princely states were found.
Rajput population and the former Rajput states are found spread
through much of the subcontinent, particularly in north, west
and central India. Populations are found in Rajasthan, Saurashtra,
Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu, Punjab, Uttarakhand,
Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
are several major subdivisions of Rajputs, known as vansh or vamsha,
the step below the super-division jati. These vansh delineate
claimed descent from various sources, and the Rajput are generally
considered to be divided into three primary vansh: Suryavanshi
denotes descent from the solar deity Surya, Chandravanshi from
the lunar deity Chandra, and Agnivanshi from the fire deity Agni.
Lesser-noted vansh include Udayvanshi, Rajvanshi, and Rishivanshi.
The histories of the various vanshs were later recorded in documents
known as vanshaavaliis.
the vansh division are smaller and smaller subdivisions: kul,
shakh (“branch”), khamp or khanp (“twig”),
and nak (“twig tip”). Marriages within a kul are generally
disallowed (with some flexibility for kul-mates of different gotra
lineages). The kul serves as primary identity for many of the
Rajput clans, and each kul is protected by a family goddess, the
main lineages :
who are descended from the thirty-six royal Kshatriya clans mentioned
in the sacred books, the Puranas, and in the two great Indian
epics, the “Mahabharat” and the “Ramyan”,
are classified into three basic lineages (vanshas or vamshas):
Suryavanshi or Raghuvanshies (the clans of the Solar dynasty)
through Manu, Ikshvaku, Harischandra, Raghu, Dasarath and Ram.
or Somavanshies (the clans of the lunar dynasty) :
Descended through Yayati, Deva Nausha, Puru, Yadu, Kuru, Pandu,
Yudhisthira and Krishna.
• The Yaduvanshi lineage are a major
sub-branch of the Chandravanshi lineage. Lord Krishna was born
a Yaduvanshi.
The Puruvanshi lineage are a major sub-branch of the Chandravanshi
Rajputs. The Kauravs and Pandavs of the epic Mahabharata were
Agnivanshi The Agniculas (the clans of the fire dynasty) :
from Agnipala, Swatcha, Mallan, Gulunsur, Ajpala and Dola Rai.
Rishi Vanshi :
Rishivanshi Rajputs are considered to be progeny of Rishi (saints)
and Kshatriya, also known as Brahmin(yogis) Kshatriya.
are several theories regarding the origin of the Rishivanshi
Rajputs, According to A. H. Bingley, Caste, tribes & culture
of Rajputs, Ess Ess Publications, 1978 which is also substantiated
by the folklore narratives of Rishivanshi Rajputs, that they
are the descendants of the Rishi Shringa and his wife Shanta.
As per the folk traditions, Shanta was from Raghuvansha clan
and was a princess of Raghukul, therefore, the son of Rishi
Shringa and Shanta became a Rishivansha Kshtriya. Henceforth,
'Sengar' clan of Rajputs which is of 'Shringya' or its further
delineation into 'Sengar', thus, 'Sengar' are considered to
be Rishivanshi Kshtriyas.
Rajput tradition believes that Sengar come from Gautam gotra,
where rishi Gautam who is one of the seven Saptarishi was
their ancestor, therefore, Sengar claim to have Gautam gotra.
Subclans :
Gandhavariya, Hada Chauhan, Shekhawat, Taoni, Shaktawat, Chundawat
and Ujjainiya and,
Others :
Bais Rajputs, Banaphar, Bundela, Harihobans, Jaitawat, Jasrotia,
Kinwar, Lohtamia, Mian, Minhas, Sodha and Nanwag.
of these Vanshas or lineages is divided into several clans (kula),
all of whom claim direct patrilineage from a remote but common
male ancestor who supposedly belonged to that Vansha. Some of
these 36 main clans are further subdivided into shakhas or “branches”,
again based on the same principle of patrilineage.
36 Royal Races (in no particular order) :
Surya or Solar race
Sóm or Lunar race
Gáhlot or Grahilot
Yádu, Jádu or Jadon
Tuár or Tanwar
Parmar or Ponwar
Chaluk or Solanki
Tak or Takshak
Jit, Gét, or Jat
Hán or Hún *
Jaitwar or Kamari
Sarwaiya *
Dabi *
Dor or Doda
Dahia *
Rajpali *
Dahima *
No longer exist
shakha or basic sub-clan has its individual genealogical creed,
describing the essential peculiarities, religious tenets, and original
domicile of the clan. This creed is a touchstone of traditional
affinities and provides all information governing the laws of intermarriage.
Major Suryavanshi clans :
title of this clas is derived from the name of a village in the
Lucknow distrcit of U.P called Amethi. They are generally supposed
to be a sept of the Chamar-Gaurs, a tradition which they preserve
by the worship of the Rampi of curruers scraper. The clan is supposed
to have been originally settled at Kalinjar in Bundelkhand, whence
they emigrated into Oudh, under Raipal Singh, about the the time
of Tamerlane (the Turco-Mongol conqueror). The clan is divided into
two branches — the Amethiyas of Kumhrawan in Rai Bareli, and
the Amethiyas of Unsari in Barabanki.
Gotra : Bharadwaj
: Durga
Bais Rajput, (also known as Bhains Rajput in certain regions), are
a powerful and ancient Rajput clan composed of the wealthy, warriors,
entrepreneurs, and zamindar (land owners). The Bais claim descent
from Lakshmana, brother of Ram. The Bais Rajput are renowned as
warriors with the ability to maintain dominion over their empires.
Their reputation was earned by their kings and landowners that ruled
over northern India for and held vast tracts of land for the clan.
Princely states of the Bais were Oudh, Lucknow, and Sialkot.
: Bharadwaj
: Yajurved
: Kalika
: Shivji
most respected and highly distinguished amongst all the Rajput clans
as a rajput can not be a Kshatriya if not a Chattari. The mother
caste of Suryavanshi Rajputs which originated from Rajputana in
Rajasthan. However, there are many Gotras and sub castes in other
major dynasties which emerged from the Chattari lineage. Chattaris
belong to the military and ruling order of the traditional Vedic-Hindu
social system as outlined by the Veds.
Gaur :
The Suryavanshi Rajputs of Gaur are descendants of the Rajput Pala
Dynasty which ruled ancient Bengal, then known as Gaur. Its capital
was Lakshmanabati, named after the Pala king Lakshman Pal, under
whose patronage the first literary work in Bengali, “Geet
Govindam”, was composed by the Bengali poet Jayadeva (circa
1200 AD). Some old texts of the British raj refer to the Pala rajputs
as Gour or Gaur Rajputs. Government gazettes of the British era
have references to Gaur Zamindars in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
and Rajasthan.
: Bharadwaj
: Yajurved
: Mahakali
: Hridradev
Kachwaha are a Suryavanshi Rajput clan who ruled a number of kingdoms
and princely states in India such as Dhundhar, Alwar, and Maihar,
while the largest and oldest state was Amber, now part of Jaipur.
The Maharaja of Jaipur is regarded as the head of the extended Kachwaha
clan. There are approximately 71 subclans of the Kachwaha, including
the Rajawat, Shekhawat, Sheobramhpota, Naruka, Nathawat, Khangarot,
and Kumbhani. They claim descent from Kusha, the younger of the
twin sons of Ram. The Kachwaha clan ruled in Jaipur right up until
modern times. The last ruling Maharaja of Jaipur was Sawai Man Singh
II of Jaipur (1917-1970). Shortly after India's independence in
1948, Sawai Man Singh peacefully acceded the state of Jaipur to
the Government of India. He then was appointed the first Rajpramukh
of Rajasthan.
: Gautam
: Jamwai Mata
: Ramchandraji
Rajputs are Suryavanshis and claim descent from Ram a legendary
king of Ayodhya. In Rajputana, their closest cousins are the Kachwaha
and Bargujar Rajputs of Jaipur. They trace their ancestry to the
Ikshvaku dynasty of Northern India (The same clan in which Lord
Ram was born. He, therefore is the ‘kuldevta’(family
deity) of the Hindu Minhas Rajputs). Specifically, they claim descent
from Kusha younger of the twin sons of Ram, hero of the Ramyana,
to whom patrilineal descent from Surya is in turn ascribed.
Rajput is a sub clan of Minhas Rajput. Pakhral Rajputs are the most
dynamic rulers in the history of sub-continent and they deserve
for holding the dinstinction of being the hero of sub-continent.
The founders of the city and state of Jammu and its rulers from
ancient times to 1948 C.E. Ansistors of Pakhral Rajputs are mostly
Hindus, in early 18th and 19th century mostly Pakhral Rajputs embraced
Islam and moved from Jaipur and Rajastan(India) to Kashmir and Pakistan.
Punjab specially the area of Potohar and Azad jammu Kashmir is the
origin of Pakhral Rajputs. Mirpur Azad jamu Kashmir and the Rawalpindi
District mostly named as the area of potohar is very famous as the
area of Pakhral Rajputs. Raja is mostly used as a title in Pakhral
Rajputs which is derived from the word Rajput.
or Kaundal :
suryavanshi Rajput clan of Chattari lineage in North India that
claims solar origin by direct descent from Sri Ram Chandra of Raghav
(Raghuvanshi) Rajput clan. Their traditional areas of residence
are Rajputana, Trigarta Kingdom (the modern Jalandhar District),
i.e. the areas of residence are mainly in the Indian states of Punjab,
Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. They are a branch of
Sisodya Rajputs of Rajputana who moved out of Mewar during the reign
of Rana Amar Singh as he accepted the Mughal Supremacy of Jehangir
and settled in Eastern Hills.
Pundir (also spelled Pandeer, Pandir, Pundhir, Pundeer, Poondir
or Poondeer) is a Suryavanshi branch of Rajputs. The word itself
is derived from the Sanskrit word Purandara literally meaning “the
destroyer of forts”. The Pundir Rajputs hold riyasat in Nahan,
Garhwal, Nagaur and Saharanpur where their Kuldevis are situated.
Their shakha is Koolwal and their Kuldevis are Shakumbhri Devi in
Saharanpur and Rajasthan along with Punyakshini Devi in Garhwal
with their gotra being Pulastya and Parashar. Elliot writes that
in the Haridwar region of Uttar Pradesh, where they are most prominent
today, over 1,440 villages are claimed by Pundir Rajputs with high
concentrations in the districts of Dehradun, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar,
Aligarh and Etawah. According to the British census of 1891 the
population of the Pundir Rajputs was recorded at approximately 29,000.
The Pundir clan has its origins with Raja Pundarik, the fourth king
in line after Kusha. Pundarik is revered as a Rishi and his temple
is situated in Katheugi village of the Kullu district in the state
of Himachal Pradesh. The rishi is depicted as a white Naga and in
the Puranic lore Pundarik is the name of a White Naga and the legend
of Pundarik Rishi also affirms his birth as a Naga from an earthen
pot. Kusha, the second born of Sita and Ram, is said to have been
the progenitor of the Pundirs.
: Pulutsya
: Yajurved
: Dahima
Narus of Hoshiarpur District claim that their ancestor was a Suryavanshi
Rajput of Muttra, named Nipal Chand, and descended from Raja Ram
Chand. He was converted in the time of Mahmud of Ghazni and took
the name of Naru Shah. Naru Shah settled at Mau in Jalandhar, Whence
his son, Ratan Pal, founded Phillaur hence founded the four Naru
parganas of Haryana, Bajwara, Sham Chaurasi and Ghorewaha in Hoshiarpur
and that of Bahram in Jullunder. The chief men of these parganas
are still called Rai or Rana. Some kept Brahmans of the Baadeo got.
The Rathore are a major Rajput clan originally descended from the
Gahadvala Dynasty in Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh. At the time of the
end of the British Raj in 1947 they were rulers in 14 different
princely states in Marwar, Jangladesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.
The largest and oldest among these was Jodhpur, in Marwar and Bikaner.
The Maharaja of Jodhpur is regarded as the head of the extended
Rathore clan of Hindu Rajputs. At the time of Tod's list in 1820,
the Rathore clan had 24 branches, including the Barmera, Bika, Boola,
Champawat, Dangi, Jaitawat, Jaitmallot, Jodha, Khabaria, Khokhar,
Kotaria, Kumpawat, Mahecha, Mertiya, Pokharan, Mohania, Mopa, Randa,
Sagawat, Sihamalot, Sunda, Udawat, Vanar, and Vikramyat.
: Goutam, Kashyap, Shandilya
: Samved, Yajurved
: Nagnechiya
: Ramchandraji
Sisodias are Suryavanshi Rajputs claiming descent from Lord Ram
through his son Lava. They were known as the Ranas of Mewar, which
was a princely state under the British Raj. The earliest history
of the clan claims that they moved from Lahore to Shiv Desh or Chitor
in 134 AD. They established themselves as rulers of Mewar in 734
AD, ruling from the fortress of Chittorgarh. They trace their descent
from Bappa Rawal (ruled 734-753), eighth ruler of the Guhilot Dynasty.
: Kashyap
: Yajurved
: Baneshwari
: Mahadev
Major Chandravanshi clans :
claim their descent from a mythical personage called Raja Vena,
Their earliest settlements were in Rohilkhund, where they were the
dominant race until 1174. It has been suggested that the founder
of the clan was Raja Bairat of Barkhar in the Kheri district, who
is said to have entertained the five Pandawas during their exile
from Hastinapur. The Bachhals of these early times were an enterprising
race, and constructed several canals, of which traces can be found
to the present day. Bachhals are found chiefly in the Bulandshahar,
Muttra, Moradabad, Shahjahanpur, Sitapur, and Kheri districts of
Oudh and North-West provinces.
Bhati :
Bhati Rajputs are a Chandravanshi Rajput clan from the Jaisalmer
region of western Rajasthan. The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their
lineage back to Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhati Rajput clan. The
major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans
of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession
of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically
and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traversed
by the camel caravans of Indian and Asian merchants. The route linked
India to Central Asia, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Africa and the West.
Bhati Rajputs were proficient horse riders, marksman and warriors.
Their reign spread to the Punjab, Sindh and beyond, to Afghanistan.
The City of Ghazni was named after a brave Bhatti warrior. In Lahore,
a monument exists to this day, which is called the Bhati Gate, named
so probably because it opens in the direction of the “Sandal
Bar”, an area ruled by Rai Sandal Khan Bhati Rajput. They
earned too much by imposing the taxes levies on the passing Carvans.they
were known as a great shooter with Gun.
: Atri
: Yajurved
: Mahalaxmi
Bhangalia clan are the erstwhile rulers of Chota and Burra Bhangal
in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh.
In the early 10th century, the Chandelas (Chandravanshi lineage)
ruled the fortress-city of Kalinjar. A dynastic struggle (c.912-914
CE) among the Pratiharas provided them with the opportunity to extend
their domain. They captured the strategic fortress of Gwalior (c.950)
under the leadership of Dhanga (ruled 950-1008).
: Chandatreya (Chandrayan), Sheshdhar, Parashar and Gautam
: Maniyadevi
: Hanumanji
Chudasama and their collaterals the Raizada are a branch of the
Lunar or Chandravanshi line of Rajputs, who trace their origin to
Lord Krishna.
Gotra : Atri
: Mahasati Ansuya
: Brahmaji
: Adinarayan
: Shree Ambaji Maa
: Aai Shree Khodiyar Mataji (Matel)
: Lord Shri Krishna
: Samved
: Yadukul
: Chandrvansh
: Madhyaydini
: Sidhdheswar Mahadev
: Durvasa, Datatrey, Chandra
(also known as Jadons) claim to have descended from the Hindu mythological
character Yadu. As the descendents of Yadu, they are classified
as under the Chandravanshi branch of the Rajput caste hierarchy.
However according to The Rajputana gazetteers, Aphariyas clan of
Yaduvanshi Ahirs also claims descent from Jadauns. Although, they
are Yadavs. Jadauns also occupied the forts of Bijai Garh, built
by Pundir Rajputs, at Bayana and Timan Garh near Karauli. The distance
between the two forts is about 50 kilometers. The Great Fort of
Majhola in Moradabad District of Uttar Pradesh was also built by
the Jadauns. Jadons are among the 36 royal clans of Rajputs, They
are of Chandravanshi lineage and Kuldevi of Jadon's is Kaila devi
at Karauli (Rajasthan).
: Kaila devi (Karauli)
is the name of a major clan of Yadavs or Chandravanshi Rajputs.
: Atri
: Mahasati Ansuya
: Brahmaji
: Adinarayan
: Shree Momai Mataji (Ambaji Maa from the time of Lord Krishna called
Mahamaya/Yogmaya means Momai Maa)
: Shree Ashapura Mataji (Matano Madh)
: Maa Hinglaj Devi
: Somnath Mahadev (Veraval), Sidhhnath Mahadev (Dwarka)
: Samved
: Yadukul/Vrushnikul
: Samavansh
: Madhani/Madhyayni/Madhyaydini
: Tran Om Somdat, Durvasa, Angira Muni
Jarral are both a Hindu and Muslim Rajput tribe of Jammu and Kashmir
in India and Azad Kashmir and Punjab in Pakistan. This Rajput tribe
belongs to Chandravanshi (Lunar race) lineage. Jarrals are Aryans.
They claim to be descendants of Pandavas of Mahabharata through
prince Arjuna who was a brave hero of Mahabharata. The grandson
of Arjuna was Parikshit after his death his elder son Janamjaya
became Maharaja of Hastinapur his younger brother Prince Nakashena
became the king of Indarprasth and after they got power they moved
to Kalanaur in Punjab. Raja Naka does many marriages and his tribe
was known as Jarral. In 1187 after defeat by Muslim King Shab-u-Din
they lost Kalanaur. Shab-u-Din invited the Jarral Raja to accept
Islam and the Raja accepted Islam but many other Jarrals did not
accept Islam and moved to different parts such as Jammu, Punjab
and Himachal Pradesh. After conversion the Muslim Jarral become
an out caste. The other Rajput rulers broke their relations with
Muslim jarrals after which the Muslim Jarrals became weak and moved
to Rajauri district in Kashmir and defeated Sardar Amna Pal the
king of Rajauri. After this the royal Dynasty of Muslim Jarrals
ruled over Rajauri for 670 years. The Hindu jarrals also moved to
various places in Jammu region in Bhaderwah, Bhalessa the main families
of Hindu Jarral Rajput are found and the Muslim Jarrals are found
in Azad Kashmir, Noweshra and Rajouri-poonch. But there are majority
of Muslims in this caste.
The Katoch clan of the Chandravanshi lineage is considered to be
one of the oldest surviving clan in the world. They first find mention
in the mythological Hindu epic The Mahabharta and the second mentions
in the recorded history of Alexander the Great's war records. One
of the Indian kings who fought Alexander on the river Beas was a
Katoch king Parmanand Chandra famously known as Porus. In past centuries,
they ruled several princely states in the region. The originator
of the clan was Rajanaka Bhumi Chand. Their famous Maharaja Sansar
Chand-II was a great ruler. The ruler Rajanaka Bhumi Chand Katoch
founded the Jwalaji Temple (now in Himachal Pradesh).
: Kashyap, Shunak
: Nag Devta
Pahore (also known as Pahur or Pahor) are a clan of Chandravanshi
Rajputs. They use Khan or Jam or Malik as title.
Raizada :
The Raijada or Raizada are the descendants of the ruler of Junagadh,
a kingdom in the Saurashtra peninsula. Junagadh was ruled by the
Chudasama Rajputs, who were a branch of the Lunar or Chandravanshi
Soam/Som :
Soam (also known as Som or Somvanshi) are Chandravanshi Rajputs.
They have descended from Mahabharata. They are the direct descendants
of Som (or Moon). As the name “SOM” indicates, this
community belongs to lunar dynasty. King Dushyant, his son Bharat,
all Pandavas and Kauravas were Somvanshis(Chandravanshi Rajputs).
: Atri
: Yajurved
: Mahalaxmi
or Tuvars, or Tanwars, are Chandravanshi Rajputs, and descended
from Mahabharat's great hero, Arjun, through his son Abhimanyu,
and grandson, Parikshat. Chakravarti Samrat (King) Yudhishtra, founded
Indraprastha, present day Delhi. King Anangpal conquered and re-established
the Delhi Kingdom in CE 792 and founded the city of ‘Dhillika’,
(modern Delhi). Besides Delhi, He covered western U.P. and most
of present day Haryana and Punjab. Tomar's rule lasted until CE
1162 when last Tomar King Anangpal II appointed Prithviraj Chauhan,
his grandson (his daughter's son), and King of Ajmer- as ‘caretaker’,
since his own sons were very young at that time. According to the
accounts kept by Tomar/Tanwar ‘Jagas’, King Anangpal
Tomar appointed Prithviraj Chauhan as caretaker only when he went
on a religious pilgrimage. It is also said by Tanwar ‘Jagas’
that when King Anangpal returned, Prithviraj refused to hand over
the kingdom to him. Jagas are a caste in Rajasthan who are hereditary
keepers of genealogical records of Rajputs.
: Gargya
: Yajurved
: Yogeshwari
Major Agnivanshi clans :
bhaal gotra of rajputs belong to Garhmukteshwar Bulandshar Siyana
Aligarh and many parts of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.There are
62 villages in Garhmukteshwar and Siyana tehseel.In these villages
various gotras of Rajput/Chauhans are lived and married in different
gotras of rajput clans.Mainly all rajput gotra of this area called
Chauhan and this palace called Chauhanpuri.The gotras are mostly
Vats Gahlot Bhaal Kuchawah Kemlaksha Bhati Parihar Tomar and many
Chauhan :
The Chauhan (also known as Nirban) are of Agnivanshi lineage.
Their state was initially centered around Khetri, Khandela, Alsisar
Malsisar, Srimadhopur, Alwar, Jhunjhunu, Sikar and Churu. According
to legend and clan history, the Nirwan or Nirban are with Maharana
Pratap against Akbar in Haldighati Battle. Nirban's have many
gotras, most of these gotras are Baloji, Pithoraji, Kaluji. Another
clam using the same name originated as feudatories of the Pratiharas
and rose to power in the wake of the decline of that power. Their
state was initially centered around Sambhar in present-day Rajasthan.
In the 11th century, they founded the city of Ajmer which became
their capital. In the 12th century, their the then King Prithviraj
Chauhan acquired Delhi from his maternal grand father, the then
King Anangpal. Their most famous ruler was Prithviraj Chauhan,
who won the First Battle of Tarain against an invading Muslim
army but lost the Second Battle of Tarain the following year.
This loss heralded a prolonged period of Muslim rule over northern
Gotra : Vatsa
: Samved
: Ashapura Mata
: Vashishth
: Mahadev
: Shri Krishna
Dodiya/Dodia are Agnivanshi Rajput, one of the most celebrated
Chauhan branches and according to their traditions, they were
based in and around Multan in Punjab (now in Pakistan) during
12th and 13th centuries, when they built a fort near Multan by
the name of Rohtashgarh. In the 14th century the Dodiya Rajputs
migrated to Gujarat and established their kingdom around Girnar
Junagadh. The first rajah of this state was Phul Singh Dodiya,
followed by Rawat Soorsinghji, Rawat Chandrabhansinghji, Rawat
Krishnaji, Rawat Chalotji and Rawat Arjundasji. A small number
of the Dodiya migrated to Mewar accompanying the Rajmata of Mewar
as an escort. The Dodiyas proved their valour in various battles
in the service of Mewar, including the Battle of Haldighati, and
were rewarded with the jagir of Lava (later called Sardargarh).
Chavda :
The Chavda dynasty (Chawda, Chavada, Chapa, Chaparana, Chapokata)
was a Hindu Kshatriya family line that ruled what is now northern
Gujarat from 746 to 942.
: Vashishth
: Chamunda Mata
: Yajurved
: Chandika
Mori clan is one of the 36 royal clans of Rajputs & falls
in 24 eka clans which are not divided further. Mori Rajputs are
sub clan of Parmara Rajputs of Agnivansh. They ruled Chittor &
Malwa till early part of eighth century & built the biggest
fort in India at Chittor in the reign of Chitrangad Mori (Ref:
Archaeological survey of India)). Last king of Mori Dynasty of
Chittor was Maan Singh Mori who fought against Arab invasion.
Qasim attacked Chittor via Mathura. Bappa, of guhilote (Sisodia)
dynasty, was a commander in Mori army. After defeating Bin Qasim,
Bappa Rawal obtained Chittor in dowry from Maan Singh Mori in
734 A.D. Then onwards Chittor is ruled by Sisodia Rajputs.Later
Mori & Parmar Rajputs continued to rule Malwa until Muslim
incursions. Of late they remained as smaller royal states &
jagirdars in the central India in present state of Madhya Pradesh,
presently settled in Dhar, Ujjain, Indore, bhopal, Narsinghpur
& Raisen.
Naga :
The Naga were one of the ancient most kshatriya tribes of India
who evolved from Suryawansha (the Solar Clan of ancient Kshtriyas
of India) and ruled large parts of the country at different times.
They spread throughout India during the period of the epic Mahabharata.
Anthropologist Gelek Lonbsang believes they have distant ancestry
with East Asians based on their similar physical features. The
demi-god tribe called Suparnas (in which Garuda belonged) were
arch-rivals of the Nagas. However, the Nagas near Kashmir seems
to be the original abode of all of them. Places like Anantnag
attests this theory. The worshippers of Naga were supposedly known
as Naga or Nagil. Some Nair and Bunt clans claims to be of Nagvanshi
origin. The trace of nagvanshi can be find out in Chotanagpur
i.e. Jharkhand (Rai) community and (Shahdeo) community are also
nagvanshi Rajput.
Paramar :
Paramar are Agnivanshi Rajputs that were near-neighbours of the
Solankis. They originated as feudatories of the Rashtrakuts and
rose to power in the 10th century. They ruled Malwa and the area
at the border between present-day Gujarat and Rajasthan. Bhoj,
the celebrated king of Malwa, belonged to this dynasty. In the
12th century, the PaRamras declined in power due to conflict with
the Solankis and succumbed to attack from the Delhi sultanate
in 1305.
: Vashishth
: Yajurved
: Sinchimaay Mata, Durga in North India, Kali in Ujjain
are an Agnivanshi group descended from the Chalukyas of Karnataka
who ruled much of peninsular India between the 6th and 12th centuries.
In the 10th century, a local branch of the clan established control
over Gujarat and ruled a state centered around the town of Patan.
They went into decline in the 13th century and were displaced
by the Vaghela/Baghel.
: Bhardwaj, Manavya, Parashar
: Yajurved
: Kali
4. Rishi
Vanshi :
The Gautam Rajput belongs to the Suryavanshi division
of Rajputs, found in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and
Gautam Rajput have Chamunda mata, Durga mata as their Kuldevi.
Gautam Rajputs fought for Sher Shah Suri (otherwise known as Sher
Khan) against Humayun in the 16th century. Later, some of the
community were awarded zamindaris by the Mughal emperor Jahangir,
an example of which was the family settled in Azamgarh that took
the title of Raja from around 1609. By the time of Aurangzeb's
reign, the Gautams had gained enough strength to field armed contingents
including artillery, horse cavalry and elephants and made incursions
against the neighboring zamindars of Gorakhpur. One late 17th-century
Gautam chief from the Azamgarh area, named BikRamjit Singh, converted
to Islam after Aurangzeb threatened that he would otherwise be
executed. His sons and descendants went on to found communities,
establish markets and construct improvements such as a canal connecting
the Tons River with the Kol.
the case of one Gautam Rajput family, from Nagar, the decision
by the British East India Company to dispossess them in favour
of another landholder was the cause of them joining in the Indian
rebellion of 1857. Prior to that rebellion, some Gautam communities,
in common with other groups that once held high status and power,
were practitioners of female infanticide. This was in part a result
of British policies that led to declining socio-economic fortunes
and thus a reduction in their ability to construct favourable
marriage alliances.
some Gautam Rajputs, who also refer to themselves as Gautam Thakurs,
are Muslim and others are Hindus. However, their social and religious
customs blur the lines that might usually be expected to exist
between different religious communities in India. Indeed, their
common identity as Rajputs often over-rides their differences
in religion and they can be found participating in each other's
customs and rituals.
Sengar (sanghar) are a clan of Rajputs.
Garg (Gaargya) :
Garg or Gargya or Gargvanshi Rajputs are a clan of Rajputs
found majorly in Sultanpur, Azamgarh, Faizabad and Basti district
of Uttar Pradesh.
Kanhpuriya :
Kanhpuriya are a clan of Rajputs.The name of this clan
is derived from Kanhpur, a village on the road from Salón
to Pratapgarh in Oudh. The clan claims descent from Rao Kanh,
the Kshatriya son of a Brahmin saint called Sachh, who married
a daughter of the Gaharwar Raja Manikchandra. The Kanhpurias belong
to the same wave of Hindu emigration as the Bais, and probably
settled in Oudh about the 13th century, where they became numerous
and powerful. Rao Kanh, as his mother's heir succeeded to the
gadi of Raja Manikchandra, but upon marrying a Bais girl, he abandoned
Manikpur to her relations and founded the village of Kanhpur,
which became the principal seat of the clan. They are considered
to be the second great clan in the Rae Bareli district, and they
are the chief landowners in the Salon tahsil and the western parganas
of Maharajganj. The Kanhpuria clan is only found in Oudh. It had
a male population of 10,000 (1901) and was settled mainly in the
Rae Bareli, Sultanpur, Amethi and Pratapgarh districts.
Ruling Rajput Dynastie of India :
Rajput Hindushahi dynasty (964-1026 AD) :
This dynasty ruled parts of Afghanistan and Punjab. Jayapala was
its first Rajput king who succeeded the last Brahmin king Bhimadeva.
Its last king Bhimpala died in 1024.
dynasty of Ajmer & Delhi :
The Chauhans, ruled between 956 and 1192 AD, earlier over the
eastern parts of the present day's Rajasthan with their capital
at Ajmer and later extended their territory up to parts of modern-day
Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. This Rajput dynasty
was founded by Simharaj, who is famously known as the founder
of the city of Ajmer. Prithviraj Chauhan was considered greatest
of all Chauhan rulers. During his reign, the kingdom extended
over Delhi, Ajmer, modern-day Rohilkhand, Kalinjar, Hansi, Kalpi,
Mahoba etc. He conquered Bhatinda (in Punjab) from Ghaznavide
ruler of Punjab and defeated Muhammad of Ghor in the first battle
of Tarain. However, he was defeated in the second battle of
Tarain, 1192.
dynasty :
The Solankis established their rule over present day's Indian
state of Gujarat between 945 and 1297 AD. Their kingdom came
into prominence during the reign of Mulraj. They ruled with
their capital situated at Anhilwara.
dynasty of Malwa
Parihara dynasty of Kannauj :
Conquered Kannauj in 816 AD, which remained its capital for
about a century, declined in 10th century.
Bargujar/Badgurjar dynasty of Rajorgarh :
Conquered Dhudhar in 9000 BC, Rajor remained its capital till
declined in 10th century.
Chandelas of Khajuraho :
This Rajput dynasty was founded by Jayasakthi. They ruled the
areas across Bundelkhand with Khajuraho as their capital. The
dynasty came to an end after Alauddin Khalji conquered Bundelkhand.Gahadvalas
of Kannauj: This Rajput dynasty ruled the kingdom of Kannauj
for around a hundred years, beginning in the late 11th century.
Chand dynasty of Kumaon :
Ruled much of Uttarakhand. Jarrals of Kalanaur and Jammu &
Kashmir. Raja Nakashena established the state Kalanaur and became
the first king of Kalanaur, the Jarral dynasty ruled for 750
Katoch dynasty of Kangra :
Ruled much of Himachal Pradesh and parts of Punjab.
Bundelas of Bundelkhand :
Ruled Bundelkhand from 16th century onwards. Tomaras of Delhi
& Gwalior.
Pathanias of Nurpur :
Ruled from 11the century to 1849 over parts of northern Punjab
and Himachal Pradesh.
Sisodias of Mewar (Udaipur)
of Jaipur
of Marwar (Jodhpur & Bikaner)
of Kutch
of Jhalawar, Kota & Bundi
of Jaisalmer
of Shekhawati
dynasty of Jammu and Kashmir