: Kingdom of Kashi (Present Day Uttar Pradesh, India)
for : Author of Sushruta Samhita Scientific career
: Medicine, Plastic surgery, Dentistry, Obstetrics and
or Sushrut was an ancient Indian physician known as the main author
of the treatise The Compendium of Sushrut (Sanskrit: Sushrut-samhita).
The Mahabharat, an ancient Indian epic text, represents him as a
son of Vishvamitra, which coincides with the present recension of
Sushrut Samhita. Kunjalal Bhisagratna opined that it is safe to
assume that Sushrut was the name of the clan to which Vishvamitra
belonged. He is one of a number of individuals described as the
"Father of surgery" and "Father of Plastic Surgery".
Sushrut Samhita is one of the most important surviving ancient treatises
on medicine and is considered a foundational text of Ayurved. A
1134 years old palm leaf manuscript of Sushrut Samhita is preserved
in Kaiser Library Nepal. It is written in Kutila script also recognized
as Gupta script. It is considered as the oldest document in the
field of Ayurved (traditional medicine system using herbs and plants)
medicine found and preserved in Nepal. The treatise addresses all
aspects of general medicine, but the translator G. D. Singhal dubbed
Sushrut "the father of surgery" on account of the detailed
accounts of surgery to be found in the work.
Compendium of Sushruta locates its author in Varanasi.
The early scholar Rudolf Hoernle proposed that some concepts from
the Sushrut-samhita could be found in the Shathpath
Brahman, which he dates to the 600 BCE, and this dating is still
often repeated. However, during the last century, scholarship on
the history of Indian medical literature has advanced substantially,
and firm evidence has accumulated that the Sushrut-samhita is a
work of several historical layers. Its composition may have begun
in the last centuries BCE and it was completed in its present form
by another author who redacted its first five chapters and added
the long, final chapter, the "Uttaratantra." It is likely
that the Sushruta-samhita was known to the scholar Drdhabala (fl.
300–500 CE), which gives the latest date for the version of
the work that has come down to us today. It has also become clear
through historical research that there are several ancient authors
called "Sushrut" who might be conflated.
The Mahabharat lists Sushrut amongst the sons of Visvamitra, the
legendary sage. The same connection with Visvamitra is also made
in the Sushrut-samhita itself. The name Sushrut appears in later
literature in the Bower Manuscript (sixth century CE), where Sushrut
is listed as one of the ten sages residing in the Himalayas.

indian text Sushrut samhita yantra, shows surgical instruments 4
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indian text Sushrut samhita shastra and kartarika, surgical instruments
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The Sushrut-samhita, in its extant form, in 184 chapters contains
descriptions of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations
from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources.
The text discusses surgical techniques of making incisions, probing,
extraction of foreign bodies, alkali and thermal cauterization,
tooth extraction, excisions, and trocars for draining abscess, draining
hydrocele and ascitic fluid, removal of the prostate gland, urethral
stricture dilatation, vesicolithotomy, hernia surgery, caesarian
section, management of haemorrhoids, fistulae, laparotomy and management
of intestinal obstruction, perforated intestines and accidental
perforation of the abdomen with protrusion of omentum and the principles
of fracture management, viz., traction, manipulation, apposition
and stabilization including some measures of rehabilitation and
fitting of prosthetic. It enumerates six types of dislocations,
twelve varieties of fractures, and classification of the bones and
their reaction to the injuries, and gives a classification of eye
diseases including cataract surgery.