The Kurukshetra War detailed in the Hindu epic Mahabharat was between the ancient Hindu clans of Kaurav and Pandav and lasted eighteen days.


The Pandavs won the second day of the Kurukshetra War.

Military formation of the Kaurav Army :

(MBh 6.51)


Name : Missing

Shape : Unknown

Architects : Bhishma, Dron, Duryodhan

Nature : Unknown

Military Formation of the Pandav Army :

(MBh 6.50)


Name : Krauncharum

Shape : Bird Shaped

Architects : Yudhisthir, Dhristadyumn

Nature : Unknown (It was previously used by Dev king Indra)

Remark : Spoken of by Vrihaspati unto Indra

Meeting of the Kauravs before Day 2 :

(MBh 6.51) Duryodhan, Dron, Kripacharya, Shalya, Bhurisravs, Vikarn, Ashwathama and Dushashan participated in it.


Conclusion of the meeting :


Bhishma's leadership is good

Bhim's leadership is not so

Bhishma should be well protected

Meeting of the Pandavs before Day 2 :

(MBh 6.50) Yudhisthir, Krishna, Bhima, Arjun, Dhristadyumna and many others participated in it.


Bhishma's leadership is good

Bhima did a good fight

Arjun should not be a spectator

Dhristadyumna, to be the commander-in-chief

Dhristadyumna should form a good array

The heroes of the Kaurav army in Day Two :

(MBh 6.51)


As usual, Kauravs adopted measures to protect Bhishma and formed a large Vyuh. Dushashan, Vikarn, Nand, Upanandak and Chitrasen, these brothers of Duryodhan protected Bhishma. The following armies viz the Samsthans, Sursens, Veniks, Kukkurs (khokar), Rechaks, Trigarts, Madraks, Yavans, Satrunjays and Manibhadraks --these tribes protected Bhishma's army. Bhishma and his protectors stood at the frond of the army. He was followed by Dron. Dron had the Kuntals, Dasarns, Magadhas, Vidarbhs (Vidarbh's who were not under the Vidarbh king Rukmi who ruled from his capital city viz Bhojkat. These Vidarbh's were from the second Vidarbh capital viz Kundinapuri), Melaks, Karns and Pravarans. Behind Dron was Sakuni followed by Gandhars, Sindhus, Sauvirs, Shivis and Vasatis. He was followed by Duryodhan with his brothers, Aswalaks (Asvak and Aswalak were kingdoms from Afghanistan), Vikarns, Vamans, Kosals, Daradas, Vriks, Kshudraks and Malavs. He was followed by Bhurisravs, Sal, Shalya, Bhagadatt, Vind and Anuvind of Avanti (ujjain), all of who formed the left flank of the array. Then there was Somadatt, Susharman, Sudakshin Kamboj, Satayus and Srutayus at the right flank. Ashwathaman, and Kripacharya, and Kritavarman of Satwata’s race, with a very large division of the troops, were, stationed at the rear of the army. Behind them were the rulers of many provinces, and Ketumat, and Vasudan, and the powerful son of the king of Kasi.


The heroes of the Pandav army in Day Two :

(MBh 6.50)


Dhrishtadyumn when morning dawned, placed Arjun in the van of the whole army. King Drupad, surrounded by a large number of troops, became the head of the array. The two kings Kuntibhoj and Saivya became its two eyes. The ruler of the Dasarns, and the Prayags, with the Daseraks, and the Anupaks, and the Kirats were placed in its neck. Yudhishthir, with the Patachchars, the Huns, the Pauravaks and the Nishads, became its two wings, so also the Pisachs, with the Kundavishs, and the Mandaks, the Ladaks (Ladakh district of Kashmir), the Tangans, and the Uddras, and the Saravs, the Tumbhums, the Vatss, and the Nakuls. Nakul and Sahadev placed themselves on the left wing. The rear was protected by Virat aided by the Kekayas, and the ruler of Kashi and the king of the Chedis (Dhristaketu), with thirty thousand cars.


On the joints of the wings, the wings and the extremities of the wings proceeded elephants in large bodies. On the joints of the wings, on the head, on the back and on the neck numerous cars (chariots) were placed


The highlights of Day Two fight :

Warriors slain :

Kaling king Srutayus's son Sakradev was slain by Bhim

Kaling king Srutayus's son or cousine Bhanumat was slain by Bhim

Kaling king Srutayus himself was slain by Bhim

Kaling hero Satyadev was slain by Bhim

Kaling hero Satya was slain by Bhim

Nishad prince Ketumat was slain by Bhim

Chapter-wise Summary :


6,52 Day 2 Forenoon Arjun vs Bhishma

6,53 Day 2 Forenoon Dhristadyumn vs Dron

6,54 Day 2 Noon Bhim vs Kalings

6,55 Day 2 Afternoon Abhimanyu vs Lakshman (the son of Duryodhan)

The highlight of the Day Two fight was Bhim's destruction of the Kaling army. He slew most of the foremost Kaling warriors in that battle. He showed his skill as a smitter, using his formidable mace. He slew heroes with his bows and arrows as well as fell many steeds, elephants, and cars (chariots) in the Kaling army, with his mace. Kaling's elephant division was utterly destroyed. In the rest of the days of the war, Kaling's fought without a good hero to lead them, mostly forming a part of the army of other kingdoms under other heroes. Bhim proved to be a great bowmen too, apart from his unparelleld skill in mace fight. Arjun also picked up his war-skills as a bowmen at the end of the second day.


References :

C. Rajagopalachari, Mahabharat, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. 1994

Kamala Subramaniam, Mahabharat, Bhavan's Book University, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai 2001


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